Thursday, February 20, 2014

New Shoes, Practicing, and News

I am pretty excited about my new, hot pink running shoes. I love them so far. I need to do a treadmill run before I decide for sure, but they were great for some kickboxing I did.

My mom gave me some piano books for Christmas. Lately, I have made an extra effort to sit down to practice. It helps that El is getting better at playing on her own. But it has been really nice to sit down and play, and I have noticed improvement.

Yesterday, I ran in front of our house for a mile, up and down the street, back and forth, in my old shoes. It was nice to get a short run in while El napped.

Running and musical practice are going to get more complicated in August. I am having another baby then! It is the main reason I have felt blah about exercise lately. I just started my second trimester and I have a lot more energy now.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Power of Music

Last Friday, I was so angry with El. She was whining and crying and being destructive and making messes. Food, diaper changes, being naked---none of those things worked. I lost my temper and yelled at her a few times. I finally put her in her bed and let her cry until she fell asleep.

I went downstairs to mop the very dirty wood floors. I was about to turn on some angry music to aggressively scrub the floors to (much like a teenager), but I paused for a minute. I did not want to feel angry all day. I wanted to feel happy and to like my daughter. I did not want to perpetuate my frustration. So what did I do?

I chose instead to listen to some peaceful music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The first song changed my attitude and I felt happy. After an hour of good, uplifting music and shiny, clean floors, I could smile. When El woke up an hour later, I could smile again. And we had a good rest of the day.

So next time you are angry, try listening to something that brings peace to your soul. It may change your day around completely. Music is so powerful and sometimes I forget that it is.

What music helps you to calm down?

Do you listen to music based on your mood?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Week of Workouts: January 27 - February 1

Monday: Upper body strength training; 2.05 mile run, 21:53, avg. pace 10:40
A tough run, but I was happy that my last half-mile split was 10:20! I feel like my legs are doing all right with the running, but it is my heart and lungs that have lost endurance. I'm sure that if I started going greater distances, my legs would not be able to handle it, but at two miles, it seems ridiculous!

Tuesday: 3 mile walk

Wednesday: 2 mile walk

Thursday: 3 mile walk

Friday: Mopping the floors on my hands and knees, ~1 hour

Saturday: Watching a college track meet to cheer on my SIL and feeling inspired to not be so lazy at running!

Overall, this was not the best week for me for high intensity workouts.