Monday, August 11, 2014

My Prenatal Fitness Resources

It's easy enough to find workouts online, and it is also easy to find workouts for a specific need you have, like arms, butt, legs, or prenatal. I would like to share some of the things that have helped me the most, as well as a short review.

Moms into Fitness, Pregnancy 3-Pack with Lindsay Brin

This DVD set includes one DVD per trimester, and each trimester has the same format. There are moderate and advanced options, both which have toning, cardio, and core. There is also yoga stretching and yoga toning. In the advanced section, there are "stackers" to incorporate variety into your strength routine. You can also download a calendar to follow if you wish.

I did the advanced options in each trimester. I thought the strength routines were much better than the cardio (and it wasn't bad, just not what I like to do). I can tell that I even toned my legs more during the second trimester when I was very diligent with it. I feel stronger and that makes me happy. The stackers were also excellent. If you know much about yoga, then the yoga sections will be a joke for you. I didn't follow the calendar, but did try to stick to a routine. I would recommend this to pregnant moms because I feel that it has been a good program for me.

BlondePonytail Prenatal Workouts

This blogger provides some great workouts in general and some awesome prenatal ones. I really like that she believes in high intensity interval training to get your workout in because really don't have a lot of time!

Knocked Up Fitness Workouts with Erica Ziel

I would like to purchase her DVD sets, maybe for Christmas. That being said, she has several awesome and free pilates workouts, exercise demos, and great blog posts. I used the workouts to strengthen my hips.


I have used all of these throughout my pregnancy, sometimes doing more with one than the others. As you know, I also walk and swim regularly. Staying active has been fun. I feel like I am looking good and huge. Supposedly, exercising throughout your pregnancy can help your body bounce back quicker and smoothly. I shall have to see if that is true!

I hope this is helpful to expectant moms!

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