Monday, February 3, 2014

Week of Workouts: January 27 - February 1

Monday: Upper body strength training; 2.05 mile run, 21:53, avg. pace 10:40
A tough run, but I was happy that my last half-mile split was 10:20! I feel like my legs are doing all right with the running, but it is my heart and lungs that have lost endurance. I'm sure that if I started going greater distances, my legs would not be able to handle it, but at two miles, it seems ridiculous!

Tuesday: 3 mile walk

Wednesday: 2 mile walk

Thursday: 3 mile walk

Friday: Mopping the floors on my hands and knees, ~1 hour

Saturday: Watching a college track meet to cheer on my SIL and feeling inspired to not be so lazy at running!

Overall, this was not the best week for me for high intensity workouts.

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