Friday, April 11, 2014

Prenatal Stroller Triangle Pyramid Workout

There are a lot of great prenatal workouts out there. I will do a blog post soon about what I've been doing. There are a lot of great stroller workouts, too. There aren't a lot of prenatal and stroller workouts. For moms of that are pregnant and have a child running around outside their belly, these are great resources. I have noticed, however, that a lot of the stroller workouts incorporate walking (of course) and body weight exercises. This is great! IF your child who is strapped into the stroller stays content in a stationary stroller.

My child is not happy if the stroller stops moving. So, I've created a very simple cardio workout to keep that stroller moving and give mom some interval training.

*This is not a workout for toning, just cardio exercise. You'll have to do toning exercises another time. Or if your child is OK with it, throw in 20 walking lunges between each set.

**I am not a health professional, just a mom who is interested and who has read a lot. Check out the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) for more information and their recommendations for exercise during pregnancy. For this workout, just be sure you don't exert yourself too much, this isn't the time to push yourself beyond your current capacities.

  • Start out with a warm up, whether that's wrestling your kid into their jacket, walking, or a few squats.
  • In the running portions, be sure to gauge your ability. If you were a runner before pregnancy, go ahead and run. 
  • If you were not running before, speed walk---there are plenty of benefits to elevating your heart rate this way.
  • I would not recommend jogging without a jogging stroller. If you have a standard stroller, umbrella stroller, or something else not specifically for jogging, speed walk. Your toddler will thank you for not making them into a scrambled egg. And if you are using a jogging stroller, be sure to lock the front wheel!
  • Take a water bottle. It is so important to stay hydrated during pregnancy.

Good luck and happy workouts!

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